Read Statement From LSU AgCenter on False Allegations Made by LDAF Commissioner

The Louisiana State University Agricultural Center (LSU AgCenter) through William B. Richardson, Vice President for Agriculture, today issued the following statement on allegations made by the Commissioner of the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF) that LSU AgCenter and its public-private partner, GB Sciences Louisiana, are in violation of Louisiana’s medical marijuana law:

“The LSU AgCenter received written approval on February 28, 2019, from the Director of LDAF’s Medical Marijuana Program to move into two rooms within the new main production facility. LDAF attorney Tabitha Irvin wrote to the LSU AgCenter:

‘After careful consideration and in an effort to get the product to the pharmacies for the citizens of Louisiana, the commissioner of agriculture and forestry has decided to grant LSU AgCenter the authority to move plant material into the requested rooms (Mother room and Vegetative room) in the main facility.’

Relying on this written approval from the LDAF, the LSU AgCenter moved plant material into the two specific rooms on Friday, March 1, 2019.

The following Monday, a LDAF inspector issued a deficiency notice to the LSU AgCenter for doing what Commissioner Strain expressly approved the week before. Then Commissioner Strain made reckless and unsupported public accusations against the LSU AgCenter and GB Sciences Louisiana and threatened litigation.

The allegations made by Commissioner Strain are simply untrue.

The LSU AgCenter and GB Sciences Louisiana have provided all information requested by the LDAF regarding suitability and operations.  Further, the LSU AgCenter and GB Sciences Louisiana have passed all inspections, benchmarks, and tests administered by the LDAF – all of which is fully supported by public documentation.

The state legislature approved Louisiana’s Medical Marijuana Program three years ago. The LSU AgCenter conducted a thorough competitive public bid process to select GB Sciences Louisiana as its public-private partner, and has worked incredibly hard since then to get the program up and running. Commissioner Strain’s actions are preventing thousands of patients from receiving the medical relief that they are anxiously awaiting and deserve.

The LSU AgCenter calls on Commissioner Mike Strain to immediately allow this program to proceed, so that the patients of Louisiana can receive the medicine to which they are legally entitled.”

Ashley W. Mullens, Ph.D.

External & Governmental Affairs

Office of the Vice President for Agriculture

LSU AgCenter

101A J. Norman Efferson Hall- LSU

Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70803

Office: (225) 578-2906
